gardening tools names

Top 10 Gardening Tools Names Every Green Thumb Should Know

Contents1 Intro2 Gardening Tools: The Essentials Explained2.1 Gardening Gloves – Protecting Your Hands2.1.1 Types, Styles, and Applications2.1.1.1 Leather Gloves2.1.1.2 Rubber Gloves2.1.1.3 Cotton Gloves2.2 Hand Trowel – The Gardener’s Best Friend2.2.1 Types, Styles, and Applications2.2.1.1 Planting and Transplanting2.2.1.2 Weeding2.2.1.3 Digging Up Bulbs2.3 Pruning Shears – Keeping Your Garden in Shape2.3.1 Types, Styles, and Applications2.3.1.1 Deadheading and

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